Importancia del servicio al cliente en las empresas de logística

En temas de logística, los emprendedores quieren un partner que pueda resolver sus necesidades, solicitudes o problemas de forma inmediata, por eso en nuestro blog te decimos qué puntos son indispensables para un excelente servicio al cliente.
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A key aspect in any type of business or corporation is customer service, and in that case logistics companies are no exception.

Therefore, if we want to guarantee customer satisfaction , we must provide the attention they deserve, in this way you can offer a quality service and improve the reputation of your company.

Customer service in logistics must be a priority, establishing direct and sincere communication with each user, so we can guarantee a very positive experience by fulfilling each request.

If you want to know more details about the importance of customer service in logistics companies, keep reading until the end of this post by ABC Logística!

What is a logistics company and what are its functions?

A logistics operator or company is basically responsible for the various processes or stages in the supply chain (receiving, storing, transporting and distributing products).

To indicate a summary of the functions of a logistics company, order processing, hosting, storage, packing, and transportation of goods can be included.

We can also name inventory control and management, product traceability or localization, customer tracking, reports on KPIs, and CRM (customer relationship strategies), among others.

Important aspects for good customer service in logistics

There are some elements or aspects that must be considered in order to offer an ideal customer service in logistics, which can generate excellent loyalty and increase the reputation of a company. 

Here are some of them: 

Be transparent

This is the first essential element in customer service in logistics. If we do everything properly, we will gain the trust of customers and they will feel more confident with the company.

Timely Attention

Time is a very important element in customer service in logistics companies.

The shorter the time in the supply chain (until the customer receives the product), the more satisfying the experience will undoubtedly be.

Competitive Pricing

Nowadays, there are many logistics companies all over the world and therefore the competition is growing more and more every day. 

In this case, if you want to differentiate yourself from the competition, you must not only offer high-quality services that achieve customer satisfaction, you must also seek competitive prices that attract more users.

Optimization/simplicity of logistics processes

Logistics has a strategic role for companies/customers, so optimizing logistics processes will be of great benefit to all parties involved.

By taking advantage of the advanced technology we find today, we can streamline logistics processes and the supply chain, reducing delivery times and offering a much more enjoyable and personalized customer service .

High flexibility

A logistics company must offer products/services flexibly according to the customers' own needs. 

Let's not forget that, nowadays, users want a company that can solve their needs, requests or problems immediately.

What does the customer service of logistics companies offer?

If you want to know what the customer service of logistics companies offers and what benefits or advantages can be obtained, here we will tell you all the details about it:

Knowledge of the customer

The new systems used for the analysis and measurement of the customer experience allow us to understand the behavior and preferences of all users.

With this specific data, logistics companies can establish more effective marketing campaigns that improve customer satisfaction.

Knowing the customer is key for any type of company, including those logistics operators that want to meet all consumer expectations.

Customer Customization

Customer personalization is a strategy that will improve the experience of both the company and the consumers themselves. 

This type of strategy or process undoubtedly promotes a good company-customer relationship and that is why a logistics operator should consider it at all times.  

In this case, it is necessary to know the behavior and needs of consumers, in order to personalize the customer experience.

What are the benefits of customer personalization?
  • Increase in the number of customers in the company 
  • Provide personalized attention and experience
  • Increased engagement from each customer 
  • Increased customer conversion
  • Loyalty and retention of current customers
  • The purchase process is made easy
  • Personalized promotions, products, and/or services can be offered to each customer
  • Email customer segmentation
  • Leads can be captured

It might interest you: Learn I Do you know all the logistics operators?

Effective communication

Fast and effective communication with customers generates greater trust and security in the company.

Therefore, you need to have proper communication channels and the right staff who can respond quickly to customer inquiries or solve any kind of inconvenience. 

Customer Follow-Up

Customer follow-up is another of the most important aspects in the customer service of a logistics company, and its main objective is to maintain constant  communication with users.

There are several ways to follow up with the customer in a logistics company and here we indicate them to you: 

Observe customer feedback

Observing user comments on websites and social networks is a great opportunity to follow up with the customer in a non-intrusive way.

In that case, help can be offered to users who are looking for recommendations or who have questions about a particular product or service.

Our products/services may also be suggested to those consumers who are unhappy with their current provider.

Lead magnets

One of the best strategies to follow up with customers is through lead magnets.

When we talk about a lead magnet, it is simply an "incentive" that we can offer to customers in exchange for some data such as their name, email address, and mobile phone. 

In this case, we can make a reduction in the costs of services or products, offer promotions and other similar issues.

Newsletter (email campaigns)

Although email marketing is not a new strategy, it continues to be one of the best ways for a company to communicate with current and potential customers, including those dedicated to the logistics sector.

With email marketing we can contact hundreds of people offering our products and/or services, share information of interest or even make eye-catching promotions for our customers.

By sending one mass email per month we will be following up with the customer, always staying on the radar of consumers.

Important Customer Dates

If we know some important dates of the customers, such as their birthday, for example, we can contact them to give them our congratulations to let them know that we are always attentive to them.

In addition, we may take the opportunity to offer some of our products or services or a deal of the day. 


The term omnichannel consists of a strategy that combines all the channels that a given company has, in this case a logistics operator.

This allows the user or customer to carry out different actions without the need to start over a management process if they change channels (request information, browse the web, buy, track shipments or orders, and much more).

Let's not forget that if we can achieve customer satisfaction through proper management that optimizes delivery times, increases inventory control and improves customer service, among other aspects, the company's reputation will be ideal.

In summary, here are the benefits of omnichannel for customer service in logistics companies:

  • Monitoring and control of KPIs (key performance indicators)
  • Reduced risk of incidents
  • Inventory Management Optimization
  • Cost reduction
  • Decreased delivery time
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • CRM improvement (strategies focused on the customer relationship)

Information Monitoring 

There are different logistics KPIs that must be monitored in order to have a better performance of the company. 

In this case, you need to track the various metrics, inventory data, customers, purchases, transportation, and all the information to optimize logistics processes.

CRM or Customer Relationship Management

CRM is a set of both commercial and technological strategies that seek to improve the customer-company relationship.

A proper CRM system can keep the company in touch with customers, optimizing processes, improving profitability and the reputation of the organization.

Reverse logistics

When we refer to reverse logistics, we are talking about the process of delivering the product back from the customer to the seller or manufacturer.

Therefore, reverse logistics is a very important element in customer service in logistics companies, which leads to greater customer satisfaction and safety.

If you want a comprehensive logistics service , ABC Logistics can be the ally for your business.

Bibliographic/digital references

ANAYA TEJERO, Julio Juan. Innovation and Improvement of Logistics Processes. Editorial ESIC. Madrid, 2005. 

BOWERSOX, Donald J. Supply Chain Management and Logistics. 2 ed. McGraw Hill, Mexico, 2007.

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