Abc Logistics

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We have the perfect solution for your warehousing, inventory and fulfillment needs.

Keep your products in a secure and well-organized environment, while we manage the order preparation and shipping process.


ABC LOGÍSTICA, S.A. DE C.V.. a company incorporated under Mexican law with registered office at Kilómetro 42.5, Carretera México - Querétaro, Barrio de Texcacoa, Municipio de Tepotzotlán, C.P. 54605, Estado de México, México (hereinafter referred to as "abc logística"). ABC LOGÍSTICA" (HEREINAFTER "ABC LOGÍSTICA")), recognizes the importance of the treatment of your personal data and makes this Privacy Notice available to you, so that you are aware of its practices when obtaining, using, storing and, in general, treating your personal data, in accordance and in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (hereinafter the "Law" and its Regulations).

At ABC LOGISTICS we are committed to the right to privacy and the right to informational self-determination, and we seek to comply at all times with the principles adopted for the processing of your personal data, such as: lawfulness, consent, information, quality, finality, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

Personal Data that may be processedSome of the personal data that you voluntarily provide us, either contained in a mail, so that we can contact you, or those that you provide us, with a view to establishing a legal relationship, may be any of the following:- Identification data, such as: name, home address, date of birth, CURP, telephone number, telephone or cell phone number, fax, email.- Academic data, such as: educational background, title, professional license number, specialty, certificates. Academic data, such as: educational background, degree, professional license number, specialty, certificates.- Employment data, such as: position, address, e-mail, telephone number, fax and fax.- Billing data, such as: name or company name of the company to which the charge will be made, fiscal address, RFC.- Financial data, such as: bank account identification number, form of payment, etc.

Purposes and/or Uses of personal data. - The personal data you voluntarily provide will be used to contact you. The personal data obtained by "ABC LOGÍSTICA"by reason of our legal relationships, whose treatment is necessary for the fulfillment of its obligations arising from such relationships, will be used only for the following purposes: - Provide information about our products or services, Provision of Services.- Sending of Communications.- Notifications of progress of contracted matters.- Preparation and sending of quotations.- Formalization of contracts.- Sending of Publications.- Sending of Newsletters.- Sending of News.- Establishment of Working Relationships.- Manage surveys, cover process requests, improve our products and services, as well as those included in any modification to the Privacy Notice, which will be at all times available to our customers, suppliers, partners, professionals, and in general to all persons and entities that have or establish a legal relationship with "ABC LOGÌSTICAat the following address:

Transfers of personal data. - "ABC LOGISTICS" will not sell, assign or transfer your personal data to third parties, without the prior consent of our customers, collaborating suppliers, professionals, and in general to all persons and entities that have or establish a legal relation with "ABC LOGÍSTICA". However, "ABC LOGÍSTICA may transfer your personal data when such transfer is provided for in any contract, in the "Law", or is required by any competent authority, by means of a document that justifies and motivates the legal cause for such transfer, or for the performance of a previously agreed administrative procedure.

Security Measures. - In accordance with the provisions of the "Law", "ABC LOGISTICS" has adopted and maintains the necessary administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment. However, it is clear that no data communication over the Internet is completely secure, so "ABC LOGISTICS" cannot guarantee that your personal data will be free from any damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or processing.

Rights that correspond to the holder of personal data. - As holder of personal data, you may exercise before the Personal Data Protection Officer, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition ("ARCO" rights). Likewise, you may revoke, at any time, the consent you have given and that was necessary for the processing of your personal data, as well as limit the use or disclosure of the same.

The above, by sending your request in the terms established by the Law, to the person in charge of Personal Data Protection of "ABC LOGÍSTICA" -, by e-mail addressed to:, or by writing to the address located at Kilometer 42.5, Mexico - Querétaro Highway, Barrio de Texcacoa, Municipality of Tepotzotlán, C.P. 54605, State of Mexico, Mexico.

Changes to the privacy notice. - In case of substantial or total changes in this Privacy Notice or in the one provided to you at the time, the updated version will be made available on our website

Contact us. - If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact the person in charge of Personal Data Protection at "ABC LOGÍSTICAby sending an e-mail to:, or by writing to the address located at Kilometer 42.5, Mexico - Queretaro Highway, Barrio de Texcacoa, Municipality of Tepotzotlan, C.P. 54605, State of Mexico, Mexico. In the event of a refusal to respond to requests for "ARCO" rights or disagreement with the same, you may file, before the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection, the corresponding Request for Protection of Rights in the terms and terms fixed by the "Law" and its Regulations.

Última actualización: marzo, 2024

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